
The importance of continued collision training in the auto care sector

August 14, 2023

Continuous learning and training are critical in any industry to progress and keep up with changing technologies and standards. However, the auto aftermarket industry has found itself in a unique position.  

The auto care sector is facing numerous challenges, from car complexity, faster time to market, stricter regulations, and advancing technologies. There are new, intricate technologies emerging at a rapid pace. Collision repair experts must be able to keep up with the significant influx of information to repair vehicles properly  

To combat these challenges and remain up to date with industry standards, auto care professionals are taking the initiative to stay up to date with modern vehicle repair and have discovered that continuous collision training is critical. Technicians need to stay educated and informed about emerging technologies. This type of training will equip technicians to handle modern vehicle materials and technology and remain compliant with OEM repair standards nationwide.  

 I-CAR Canada provides a wide range of standardized continuous training programs for collision repair professionals across the country, giving technicians the knowledge to seamlessly repair modern vehicles. 

Emerging technologies and the impact on the auto care sector    

The automotive industry is evolving and growing—especially with new and emerging technologies like ADAS, hybrid vehicles and electric vehicles in Canada. Without a doubt, these innovative technologies have impacted the auto aftermarket industry.     

There are key differences between hybrid vehicles, electric vehicles and traditional, gas-powered (ICE) vehicles. As well, each of those vehicle types may use differing technology from OEM to OEM, or even model to model. Making it even more complex is the fact that this technology can change or be updated with every model year, and regardless of how minor or significant the update in technology is, it is vital for auto care professionals to be aware and informed about changes in modern vehicles. 

These constant changes create one of the most prominent challenges collision repair experts face; the fact that, even once trained on modern vehicles and repair methods, technicians must research and understand the specific OEM repair procedures on each vehicle prior to proceeding with repairs. This alone requires special training to understand the many systems and software required to access this information.    

Hybrid and electric vehicles pose a significant challenge for those in the auto care sector. Repairing these advanced technologies requires a deep understanding of the complexities within the electronic vehicle system to keep technicians safe and prevent damaging the vehicle or repair facility. Collision technicians must also understand the structural differences in these vehicles and may require new knowledge or skills to carry out repairs.  

These technologies require technicians to be fully versed in the electronic vehicle system aa well as new and specialized equipment. ADAS, hybrid and electric vehicles require specific tools for technicians to provide proper repairs and servicing. They need to be regularly updated to keep up with evolving technology. Not only are these tools costly, but they also require continued training for technicians to understand their use and increase their technical expertise.   

ADAS requires specific knowledge and tools to ensure systems are properly diagnosed, components are properly placed, and the systems are correctly calibrated to ensure driver safety. The auto care sector must adapt to the constantly evolving landscape of automotive technology to provide safe and reliable repair services for modern vehicles.    

Continued training and the opportunity for industry collaboration    

Without a doubt, new technology-driven trends and systems are disrupting the automotive aftermarket industry. Auto care professionals need to think outside the box to establish standard operating procedures and best practices—and collaboration plays a crucial role in this.  

Collaboration in the automotive industry is not new. Manufacturers have embraced the idea of co-innovation—creating modern vehicles through collaboration and partnerships across the industry. This has become a critical business strategy that will inevitably lead to the development and manufacturing of vehicles with advanced technology.  

When it comes to navigating the challenges and impacts of recent technologies and to guarantee safe and efficient collision repair, collaboration among training providers will be essential. With collaboration, the auto care sector has the chance to avoid inconsistencies and inadequate repairs. Minimizing these risks will ultimately improve vehicle performance and lead to positive customer experiences. 

With collaboration through the I-CAR Industry Training Alliance Program, the auto care sector will be able to avoid inconsistencies and redundant training, as technicians have the ability to earn credit towards I-CAR accreditation from programs within the alliance. I-CAR’s Industry Alliance program aims to strengthen the collision repair industry through increased connection among professionals and shared resources. 

For auto care professionals to be truly knowledgeable about new technologies, such as ADAS or electric vehicle repairs, continuous training will be critical. Collision training allows for country-wide collaboration among industry professionals to keep up with the rapid speed of change.  

Pair industry collaboration with continuous collision training, and auto care professionals will be able to increase their technical expertise surrounding emerging technologies like ADAS, hybrid and electric vehicles to guarantee proper collision repairs services.   

Setting the standard across the auto care sector 

Technicians must have that foundational knowledge to know the critical differences between hybrid vehicles and electric vehicles, understanding ADAS and other emerging technologies. However, with training available from so many different sources, maintaining that consistency across the sector is challenging. This inconsistency only emphasizes the importance and need for a standard. 

When it comes to ensuring consistent practices, processes and training, I-CAR is that standard. I-CAR collaborates with original equipment manufacturers (OEs), educators, suppliers, and industry stakeholders to develop consistent and comprehensive training programs. With this input, I-CAR helps establish best practices in the auto care sector, and through the Training Alliance Program helps ensure consistency across the repair industry. Continuous collision programs and accreditation make sure that all technicians have the knowledge to repair consumer’s modern vehicles properly. 

Continuous collision training courses are provided by I-CAR Canada. I-CAR Canada provides an extensive catalogue of continued collision training courses for auto care professionals looking to increase their skills and knowledge in any area of collision repair, including electric vehicles, hybrid vehicles, and ADAS technologies.  

Since 1979, I-CAR’s goal has been to update skills and education across the collision repair industry. With various learning formats, professional development programs, and certification options for individuals and companies alike, I-CAR is suitable for anyone.   

To learn best practices, and to help set the standard in the auto care sector, visit I-CAR Canada.  
